Nancy Boy ~ truth over hype

23 07 2009

We love Nancy Boy.

After photographing all the packages for their website we got hooked on their high-quality, natural, intoxicating products.

Several years ago, with a renegade team of professionals, they set out to turn the beauty business’ style-over-substance business model on its head.

First rule: no advertising or gimmicky expensive packaging; rely instead on word-of-mouth from satisfied customers.

Second rule: take the unspent marketing money and plow it all back into the products.

Third rule: be so confident in their superior quality, offer an ironclad satisfaction guarantee. To do it, they partnered with a family-owned laboratory in Berkeley, in business for over 60 years and the only pharmaceutical-grade lab specializing in the 100% natural essential plant oils that make Nancy Boy products so unique.

Nancy Boy’s over-the-top success story is proof positive that the market is choosing truth over hype, quality over image, and personal, unbiased opinions over manufacturer-produced ads and spin.

We love that. We love them. Check them out at or follow along on twitter OR check out their store at 347 Hayes Street San Francisco.




Lewis and Clark State Office Building

12 02 2008

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ Lewis and Clark State Office Building is the first state-government office building in the nation to earn LEED Platinum certification.

The building also incorporates numerous elements of sustainable design, which minimizes its impact on the environment and provides employees with a more productive work environment.

The building’s name was chosen to honor the Lewis and Clark expedition in their spirit of discovery, diplomacy and stewardship and to commemorate the bicentennial of their journey.


